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Mike Huckabee Calls Out Natalie Portman (and Bristol Palin?) for Premarital Pregnancy - Hollywood Hot News Gossips

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee has made it clear: he has an issue with unmarried, unashamed, wealthy women who tell the world about their pregnancy.

It's clear to whom he's referring, right? Incredibly, no.

The likely 2012 Presidential candidate went on Michael Medved's radio show Monday and somehow called out Natalie Portman, not a certain daughter of a certain reality star who has raked in seven figures by posing on tabloid covers with her child.

"People see a Natalie Portman who boasts*, 'We're not married but we're having these children and they're doing just fine," Huckabee said. "I think it gives a distorted image. It's unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out-of-wedlock children."

(*Note: Portman has never said this. She has, however, had the gall to appear on stage with a baby bump and tell the world she loves her fiancee, Benjamin Millepied.)

Referring to Portman's pregnancy as "troubling," Huckabee added:

"Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can't get a job, and if it weren't for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that's the story that we're not seeing."

 We agree 1,000% with that statement. We wonder how Huckabee's fellow Republican, Sarah Palin, feels about this issue.

In 2007, meanwhile, Huckabee said the following about a pregnant Jamie Lynn Spears: "I hope it is not an encouragement to other 16-year-olds who think that is the best course of action... I'm not going to condemn her... There'll be plenty of people in line to and I always look for the shortest lines. I just hope that she will make another right decision, and that's to give that child all the love and kindness and care that she can."

Why the more pointed words for Portman? You tell us.